People's Power Presidential Candidate Yoon Seok-yeol announced that he would expand meal support to elementary school students from low-income families and working moms.

Candidate Yoon said in a press release, "We plan to provide breakfast and vacation lunch as school lunches."

In accordance with the current School Meals Act, elementary school meals are only served for school day lunches during the school year.

Candidate Yoon announced that he plans to expand the scope of food service support nationwide after starting the pilot project in cities, counties, and districts with poor educational conditions for applicants, the vulnerable, and poor educational conditions.

He also pledged to promote win-win growth with small businesses by using the 'restaurant coupon' system in areas where school meal support is difficult.

Candidate Yoon said, "As non-face-to-face online classes continue due to COVID-19, the meals are jagged, so it is a red flag for children who are growing up, who need to eat at their peak.

Candidate Yoon also promised to expand the target of elementary school care classes to all elementary school students.

Candidate Yoon announced, "We will operate a care class during the semester, an after-school-linked care class, and a care class for all students in grades 1-6 who need new care during vacation."

(Photo = Yonhap News)